2 Two Main Reason's Why You Should Smile.

Hello Welcome to COMYISE.......

Today we are going to reveal to you the secret behind a hearlthy life. Now there are so many reason's why people smile everyday, some people smile because they know the benefit's of smiling other's too after a long day at work they smile to relief stress in their body. But for today, we are going to tell you the reason ehy you see that man or woman over there in your office smiling every now and then. The following are Three main reasons why you should smile every day.

# It Boost's Your Life Span.

Now this is one of the best reason's why we need to smile, I never knew until I got to realise this great benefit of smiling. It is said that every human need's to smile everyday this is because when you smile it boost's your mood and increase your ability for long term happiness. The bible makes us understand in proverbs 17:22 that  A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. A merry heart is a Joyful heart, when a you smile you gain this joy in your body which helps you think well and also you gives you mental peace. 

# It Give's You a Beautiful Appearance.

When you smile always, you don't just smile but you create an atmosphere where you get accepted every were you go. Most at time's people wakeup in the morning let other people make their day bad just because of a little misunderstanding, the secret they lack is that smile every morning on their face. After having a bad day at work and you think you you are so tired just try a smile on your face and you will be fine. 

These simple reasons are little secrets that most of us do not know, but I promise you that now that you have read this you now know the reason why you should smile all the time.

Note: Joy doeth well like medicine....enjoy your day and have a big smile on your face

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About the Author:This post was written by Aihoon Richard  (About me)..... He is the main Editor of  comyise..  Very friendly and loves what he does.. I am also interested in other people's view and would love to here your opinion to on how I can spice up this blog for you and I, You can join me here on.. Twitter | Facebook | Google Plus | Thank you God Bless You.
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