Hello there I welcome you ONCE again to COMYISE.
Today, we want to share with you THE THREE GREAT KEYS TO SUCCESS. We have all heard of many successful men in our society and the stories been told by by them. We get to know that Great Success never come by the blink of an eye but comes with keys and those main keys are what I want to share with you today. Below are the keys that leads to success, although there are many of them but these ones are the keys that will guide you to your success door.
These Keys are the keys that when you follow or keep it mind will guide you to SUCCESS, now am going to show why they are the great keys to success.
Now Let Get To Business
Now here when I say hard work, am not referring to being in hard labor or working hard in terms of punishment, but what i mean is you dedicating yourself to the work or occupation you are into as in life. There are a lot of challenges and persecutions that we humans encounter on the road to success and if we try listening to that what people say we are never going to make it in life so we try ignoring all that and still keep moving in life pretending we have no challenges. When you try ignoring all the persecutions of life? we encounter more and more even worst than what have ever encountered and this is the sign that we moving forward in life which I call it HARD WORK. I always Life is not how you make it but How you LIVE it, so then this were the question comes in (WHAT LIFE ARE YOU LIVING?) is it the life of a hard working man or woman? if not the I advice you to build up the hard working life in you in other to keep moving forward in LIFE and I promise you that if you Chose this kind of life you will surely make it BIG in LIFE.
Let me ask this question, Have you ever had the passion of doing something??, What was it? and do you think you did it better?. Passion as we say it not very common in the life of humans, some may LOVE something but won't have the passion for it, having passion for something is different from loving something. When you have the passion of doing something, you get gain all the seriousness and strength for that thing. The spirit of passion you ignore all set backs and persecutions on your way to success, it doesn't matter who influential or powerful you are if you do not have this passion that am talking about you can never make it, so have the passion for what you are doing and I assure you that you will make it.
The last of all is something that even scriptures backs much and that is SERVING, keep this in mind that life always (GIVE and TAKE) yes give and take. The reason for me saying that, according to scriptures, if you want people to serve you or be under you, you also have to be under people. For the scriptures say's in 1Peter 4:10 that: AS EACH HAS RECEIVED A GIFT, USE IT SERVE ONE ANOTHER, AS GOOD STEWARDS OF GODS VARIED GRACE, from what the scripture you just read said, you now know that in every aspect of your life never look upon someone near you because we are all not perfect all because we all aught to serve each other. Now in success, everybody needs a helping hand. If you have someone who helps you in life or you are someone who helps people in some aspects of their life then I ensure that you serve that person well or help them well and God will RICHLY BLESS YOU.
My last words for you today is that cease working hard always have the passion for what you are doing and Hey, keep this also in mind that (LIFE IS ALWAYS GIVE AND TAKE) so serve others and others will also serve you no matter how long it takes your SUCCESS WILL SURELY COME TO PASS. Thank you for reading and I pray that it help you you in Life.
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About the Author:This post was written by Young Aihoon (About me)..... He is the main Editor of computeryise.. Very friendly and loves what he does.. he is also a Choreographer, You can join me here on.. Twitter | Facebook | Google Plus |
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