Now here when I say hard work, am not refering to being in hard labour or working hrd interms of punishment, but what i mean is you dedicating yourself to the work or occupation you are into as in life. There are alot of challenges and persecutions that we humans encounter on the road to success and if we try listening to that what peaople say we are never going to make it in life so we try ignoring all that and still keep moving in life pretending we have no challenges. When you try ignoring all the persecutinsin life? we encounter more and more even worst than what have ever encounted and this is the sign that we moving forward in life which I call it HARD WORK. I always Life is not how you make it but How you LIVE it, so then this were the question comes in (WHAT LIFE ARE YOU LIVING?) is it the life of a hard working man or woman? if not the I advice you to build up the hard working life in you in other to keep moving forward in LIFE and I promise you that if you Chose thi kind of life you will surely make it BIG in LIFE. Thank you once again and I hope to see you again Till next time, Please dont forget to leave a comment or Share.
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